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File size:
64 035 bytes (62.53K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 446


  ...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
 :://-- |   |-----\  24h Static Telnet on broadband ADSL /--------// ::
 |. .___.  _:____ _  ___                                             _:
 _ _|   |_ \_   // //  /____   __ _  cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFF/=C64 \:
 \\\_   _/__/  /___  _     /__||///  mACINTOSH/mUSIC/sAMPLES  ____    |
    |_  \_\        \ /____/   _      _____ _      _____     ./  _/    .
 .   /_    \________\________\\    ._)  _ \\______\__  \____|   \_ _ _: _
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                             /   /___  \      \ __ \\  _/__\|   \     :/
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 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
-.----\\-----------------------|   |----- .-----------||-------- ----/:
 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9603 |_

.----------.                                                       .----|----.
          -|-------------- » mUTe^iNFERNO gRAFITTI « ---------------'   |
      yOu hAVe nOw eNTEREd aNOTHEr          .---/                     .-|
   aSCIi cOLLy mADe bY mUTe .. eNJOy!      -|-------/    .------------|-'
                                            '      //-----'           | 

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.--------. iNFERNo gRAFITTi .-------.
|     gives you a new colly from    |
|   _____   ___     ___.    _____ `-|-.
| __)   /___)  |____\  |____)__ /_  ' |
:-\__. .  )_  _|  )__  ___)_ |____)_  |
| _  | |   /_ \l   /_  l   /_l     /_ |
`-/__l_|____/_______/_______/___mute/ |
- ---- » i lOVE hOPSCOTCH ! « ----'@END_FILE_ID.DIZ

                                      .--/            /----------------------.
        et infernalsk kaos            |
       leder den røde tråden          |
   gjennom teselskapet i mitt         |
        indre..                       |  
                         -|-'       \------\-      
                          |                 \\----.
                          |                       |
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  ____      __          __|     __          __    |     __          __
 |____|____|  \________|  \____| ,\________|  \___|____|  \________|  \__
 |  \________   /___   l____/ ______/________   /________   /________   /_
 |    |    |/     |   ___/|   \|      |    |/ _/  |    |/     |    l/     |
 l____l____|      |____|  |____|      |____|      |____|      |______ Sn  |
           l______|       |    l______|    l______|    l______|    l______|
                          |                       |
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                          |  mute   the godfather |
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    __            __      |  __         ______  __|        __         __
___/, l__________|  \_____|_|  \_______|  \___|/  l_______/  l_______/  |
\_______   /_______   /_______   /__   l____/ |  ______/_   ______/_____|
  |   l/     |   |/ _/  | \__      |  ___/|   |  \|      |  \|      |   |
  l_____     |___|      |___|      |___|  l___|___|      |___|  Sn  |___|
      l______|   l______| | l______|              |______|   l______|
                          |                       |
                          |                       |   iNFERNo gRAFITTi
                          |                       |
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     ______  ______  _____|   ______   ______   __|___   ___      ______
   .(____ /_(____ /_(____ /_.(  ___/_.(____ /_.(__._ /_.(   |___.(  ___/_.
   |    ____/   |___/ |_____¦____._  |  |_____¦   |/   ¦_   ___/|____._  |
 .-|     | |    |  |  l     |    |/  |  l     |   /_   |    l   |    |/  |-.
 | l_____| l____|  l________l________l________|____/___l______muTe_______| |
 |           .-                                   |                        |
 |          -|-------------.                      |     /------------------'
 `-----------/           `-------presents!.-------|---//
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                          ·                       ¦
                       aNOTHER hOPPING sHOPPING aSCHEY       
                        fROM  tHE  mOST  rEASONABLE..
                          ·                       .
-----------------------.  ¦       \\--------------|---.
                      `---|--------\           .__|__ |
                          |                       |`--|--------- -- -  -
                          |                       |   |
                          |                       | .-'
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                          |         aND           |
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                          |      cONCEITEd ¿      |
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                    ______|_  ____/___     .__    |_______
                  .-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
                  |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
                  |   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /
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                          |                - -- --|--/
                          |                       | //-.
                          ·                       ¦    | 
                          .   >*·x. cALLED .x·*<  ·  `-|-.
                       .--|                       .    |
                        `-|--------/              |    |
                          ¦       //--------------|----'
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                          ·                       ·      
                                   i lOVE !

      ._____.     _______________    ______                    ______   .____.
 .____|     |     \    _    /   /   /  ___/__________ ______._/  ___/___|    |
 |    |     |_______   .___/  _/___/   Y     \  -    \     __/   Y      |    |
 |    .     \  -    \__¡   \____      _______|\_______\     |_______    .    |
 |____|-----'\_______\      cG/______/               |______|eD    |____|----'
                          .                       .
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                          |   i loVe hOpscotCh!   |
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                          |              \\-------|--.
                        .-|---------------\       |  |
                        | |                       |  |
                        `-|                       `--|---.
                   \\-----|-                         '   |
--------------------\     l                              |
               tHIS iS a tIME fOr yOu tO tHINK           |
              oVER yOUR aCTIONs ..                       |
                                       bAH !             |
                                  your noughty actions   |
                                          we did together|
-----------.                   .--------/   last night.  |
          -|--------------------'      //----------------|-.
                           .------------//               |  
                           |                             .  
        \\-----.   `-------|------                          
---------\                 |                             .
                           .                             |
                       - »  p R O L O G U E  « -         |
                                                         l       |
             and again.. i wasted enough time to finish          |
            another collection.. this one was a little bit       |
            funnier to make than 'earthquake in a st..' ..       |
            but some of the inspiration have gone far away       |
            since i made 'mare serentitis' and 'olympus mons'.   |
            those collections were fun to make.. lot's of        |
            poems and many other 'thingies' that makes a         |
            collection fun to make..                             |
             i must thank all you who liked and enjoyed my last  |
            colly.. you've really been a good inspiration        |
            source for me.. and also you who requested logos..   |
             inferno grafitti seems to become fifty percent      |
            more active now ! godfather says he'll release       |
            something soon.. well, so he says.. but i can't      |
            expect him to be fully active.. therefor only 50%.   |
            hehe. but look out for a comming colly from god.     |
             and to be ohnest.. i think this colly is baad..     |
            it's quite boring i think. logos are ok, but design? |
             where ? i just ask .. this is a boring colly.. heh..|
                                        .                        |
                                        |   mute . da silencer   |    //-----
                                        |  .
                                        | -|--.
                                        |  `--|-  
                                        |     |
               /----------'             |
-------------//                         |

                               p A M P E R S !

                                 !baby  dry!

                     it sucks the shit out of your kid..

                         so don't you worry anymore..

                              i lOVE hOPSCOTCH !

                        mUTE - tHE cUTEST oNE 'ROUND !

                                                          oh.. no joke!

                 |  |               wHAT cAN i dO ?
                    |      `------------------------------ --- -- -   -
                                                       tO aVOID bEING yOU ?
                                                                      `--- -

-aSCII'S-   _____  _____  _____  ___    __ __  ____   _____  ____
          .-\____|-\_._ |-\_.  |-\  |_.-\ |  |-\._ \.-\___ |-\._ \.
          |      |   |/ |   |__|_   | |   |  |  |/  |   |__|_ |/  |
       .--|      |   /  |   l   /   ` |   `- | _/   |   l   /_/   |---.
    .--|-.`-/____|--/___|-/____/-/____|-/____|______|-/____/___mute   |
----|--' .                  |         |                    |          |
    |  .-|-- -   -----------|---------/-------.    /-------|----------|-/
    `--|-'                  |                `---//        |   .---.  '
       |          mADE tO.. |  aSCI nAME..                 `----'  |
       |                    |                                      |  
       |    fLASh^qSr       |        lIGHTFORCE                    |  
       |    fLASh^qSr       |        mENTAL sTORM                  |  .
       |    dARKTROOPEr     |        dARKTROOPER                   |  |
       |    fOLAr^sE        |        fOLAR                       .-|--'
       |    fOLAr^sE        |        sTYLE                     --|-'
       |    fOLAr^sE        |        pENTHOUSE                   |
       |    pELTIEr         |        vIRTUAL eMPIRE              |
       |    bLOODLUSt     `-|-.      dEAD oN tIME                |
       |    bLOODLUSt       `-|-.    dEAD o.t. lOGon             |
       |    bLOODLUSt         |      bLOODLUST iS oNLINE ..      |
       |    kGb               |      sTARGATE                    |
       |    wARCHILd        .-'      sOUL fUSION                 |
       |    wEIRd oNe       |        aCP eXPLORER                |
       |    sLAPSHOt        |        sHELTER                     |
       |    sLAPSHOt        |        sLAPSHOT                    |
       |    sLAPSHOt        |        sHELTER -dIZ                |
       |    sLAPSHOt        |        tHE jUNCTION                |
       |    sPLASh          |        gOOD bYE sCREEN            -|-.
       |                    |                                    | |
       `--- -               \------//                            | '
             only req's today..   -/------------- » mUTe·i^g « --/

              .. building - playing - destroying - recovering ..

                who can actually anounce a child's next step ?


  .-----------> tHe mUSAc yOu dREEEEAm oF ! <------------------------|----.
  |    .                                                             |    |
.-|----'                                                             `----|---
|-'                                      uNDERWORLd                       |
|    LEFTfield                                                            l_.
|                                                      tHe fUTURe sOUNd
|                                                        oF lONDOn!
·                 orBITal
                                  tHe KLF

                                                      tHE oRB
        dJ fOOD

                                   mASSIVe aTTACk
- ---------------------------------------> lEt iT bECOMe rEALITy <--------|-.
                                                                          | |

                    bUY tHEIR lATEST aLBUM !

                                  . aSCII .

                                        the ultimate wASCJKY dASCHCKY aSCII !

      .-nr-> 01                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        flash^qsr   | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- »  lIGHTFORCe  « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

              .----------\                     |
            __|_.      _____.     _____.     __|_.      _____.
         ___\   |______\____|_____\__  |_____\   |______\    |__
        _\      |   )__        )__  |_____)__    __  )__    ____)__
       |__      l     /_ mute    /_ l_      /_   |/    /_    l    /_
              |                               -|--------.
             -|----.  l I G H T F O R C e  .---'       `------------.
            __|__.    _____.     _____.     _____.     _____.       |
         ___\  __|____\__._|_____\___ |_____\_.  |_____\___ |__   .-|---.
        _\      ____)    |/   )__  . ,___)__  |_____)__  |_____)__|-'   |
       |__         |     l      /_ |       /_ l       /_ l       /_     |
              |                                                         |
              `------------\                   .------------------------'

      .-nr-> 02                                      |
      |           .----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .-----------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                       |   //------------|---
      |        flash^qsr   | | `-/                     |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- » mENTALSTORM « --|-----------------'
                           |                           |

                            \\-------------------. mENTALSTORm .--/
                    /--------\                                   //-.
       _____.     __|__.     _____.     _____.     _____.     ____. |
    ___\_.  |_____\___ |_____\__. |_____\    |_____\__._|_____\   |_|_
   _\    | |   )__  |_____)__  \|    )__    ____)__  _|/   )__    |   )__
  |__    | |     /_ l       /_  |      /_    l    /_ \__     /_   l     /_
                    |                                               |
                    `-----------/      .-------    .     .    ------|-.
         .                     //------|-.                            |
         |      _____.     _____.     ___|_.     _____.     _____.  .-|--.
       .-|   ___\  __|_____\    |_____\__._|_____\___ |_____\_.  |__|-'  |
   /  -|-'  _\________  )__    ____)__   |/   )__  . ,___)__  | |   )__  |
---|---'   |__       /    /_    l    /_  l      /_ |       /_ | |     /_ |
   |        /mute__________/__________/__________/_l________/_l_l______/ |
   |                                                              . |    |
   `------/                                                   \\--|-'    |
         //--------------{                                 }---\  `------'

      .-nr-> 03                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |       darktrooper  | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- » dARKTROOPER  « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

           \\-------- » dARKTRoOPER « ----------------.
  .---------\    _____.     _____.     _____.     ____|
  |           ___\____|_____\__._|_____\___ |_____\   |___
  |          _\     )/   )__  _|/   )__  . ,___)__    |   )__
--|-.       |__    ./      /_ \__     /_ |       /_   .  ___/_
  |     \\---/______________/__l_______/_l________/___|      /-----.
/-'   .--\                                            |_____/      |
    __|_.     _____.    _____.    _____.    _____.    |____.     __|__.
  __\   |_____\___ |____\__._|____\__._|____\___,|____\___ |_____\___ |__
 _\_   ____)__  . ,___)__  |/   )__  |/   )__     __)   |_____)__  . ,___)__
|__     l    /_ |       /_ l      /_ l      /_     |    l       /_ |       /_
      |                                               |            |
      `-------.                               /-------|------------/
             `------------------------------//        '

      .-nr-> 04                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        folar^se    | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- »    fOLAR     « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

                     \\-------------. fOLAR^sE .-----.
     \----------------\                             -|-----------//
    -\\-     _____.    _____.     ____.      _____.  |  _____.   /-----\
     .-\- ___\  __|____\__._|_____\   |______\__._|_____\___ |__       |
     |   _\      ____)    |/   )__    |   )__  _|/   )__  . ,___)__ .--|---.
     |  |__         |     l      /_   l     /_ \__     /_ |       /_   |   |
-----|---/__________|mute_________/__________/__l_______/_l________/---'   |
     |              .-----.                                                |
     `--------------|-   `-------------------------------------------------/

      .-nr-> 05                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        folar^se    | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- »   sTYLE      « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

           \\------------------.                         .----------/
        .---\                 -|------ » sTYLE « ---------'        //----.
        |    _____.     _____. |   _____.     ____.      _____.          |
        | ___\  __|_____\    |_____\    |_____\   |______\___ |__        |
        |_\________  )__    ____)_______.  )__    |   )__  |_____)__   .-|---
      .-|__       /    /_    l    /_    |    /_   l     /_ l       /_  |-/
------|-'/_mute_________/__________/__________/__________/__________/  |
      |                                                              .-|-
      `----------------------------------------.            /--------|-/

      .-nr-> 06                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        folar^se    | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- »  pENTHOUSE   « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

              _____.    ____.     ____.     _____.    ____.
     _____. __\__. |____\   |_____\   |_____\__._|____\   |__     _____.
   __\___ |_    \|   )__    ___)__   ___ )__   |/  )__   _|  )____\  __|_
  _\   |____)__  |     /_   l    /_   |/   /_  l     /_  \l    _\_______ )__
 |__   l      /__l______/_________/___|_____/_________/_______|__      /   /_
  /_______.____/                                 |         .---/_______.____/-
   __\___ |__    folar   \\---. pENTHOUSe .------|----------'   __\___ |_
  _\       __) style   .--\                      |             _\   |____)__
 |__ mute   |          |          .   ...sum     |  text?     |__   l      /_
                       ·                         `--.

      .-nr-> 07                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |         peltier    | | `-/      vIRTUAl         |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- »     eMPIRE   « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

                     \\--------. vIRTUAL eMPIRE .---------.
              .-------\                                  -|-----/
        ____. |    _____.     _____.     ____.      _____.     _|__.
     ___\   |_|____\___ |_____\    |_____\   |______\__. |_____\   |___
    _\     _|   )__  . ,___)__     ___)__   _|   )__  _|    )__    |   )__
   |__     \l     /_ |       /_    l    /_  \l_    /_ \_      /_   l     /_
           .--'                                                 |
         __|__.     _____.     _____.   ____.     _____.     ___|_.
      ___\___ |_____\_.  |_____\___ |___\___|_____\___ |_____\___ |__
     _\    |_____)__  | |   )__       _)       )__  . ,___)__  |_____)__
    |__    l       /_ | |     /_      |  i^g     /_ |       /_ l       /_
           |              .-------------/                       |
           `----------------'          //-------txt?------------'

      .-nr-> 08                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        bloodlust   | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- » dead on time « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

                            \\--. dEAD oN tIME .--\
----------.          /-------\                     \\---------------.
       ___|_.     ___|_.     _____.     _____.  sYS;  bLOoDlUST^uSf |
    ___\__._|_____\_._ |_____\__._|_____\__._|__        _______   __|____
   _\     |/   )__  |_____)__  _|/   )__   |/   )__   .-\___._ )__\___.  )__
  |__     /      /_ l       /_ \__     /_  /      /_  |     |/   /_  \|    /_
   /______________/__________/__l_______/__________/  | _   l     /   |     /
          |          |                                `-/________/____l____/
  .-------|----.    _|__.      _____.     _____.     _____. `-------|--------.
  | O-3 dayzz! | ___\   |______\____|_____\_.  |_____\___ |__  cOS; `--/     |
  |  1 n0De    |_\     _____)__        )__  | |   )__  |_____)__  fATHEr tIMe|
  | nUp: req   |__      l     /_ mute    /_ | |     /_ l       /_  sUb hUMAn |
  l___         |/______________/__________/_|_l______/__________/            |
---------------/                            |                      /---------'

      .-nr-> 09                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |         bloodlust  | | `-/               logon  |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- » dEAD oN t.   « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

       . yOU aRe nOW oN .   \\--. dEAD oN tIME .--\
----------.          /-------\                     \\---------------.
       ___|_.     ___|_.     _____.     _____.  sYS;  bLOoDlUST^uSf |
    ___\__._|_____\_._ |_____\__._|_____\__._|__        _______   __|____
   _\     |/   )__  |_____)__  _|/   )__   |/   )__   .-\___._ )__\___.  )__
  |__     /      /_ l       /_ \__     /_  /      /_  |     |/   /_  \|    /_
   /______________/__________/__l_______/__________/  | _   l     /   |     /
          |          |                                `-/________/____l____/
          |         _|__.      _____.     _____.     _____. `-------|--------.
         -|----. ___\   |______\____|_____\_.  |_____\___ |__  cOS; `--/     |
          ·    |_\     _____)__        )__  | |   )__  |_____)__  fATHEr tIMe|
               |__      l     /_ mute    /_ | |     /_ l       /_  sUb hUMAn |
               |/______________/__________/_|_l______/__________/            |
---------------/                                                   /---------'
                                                           - ----//

i was so damn lazy that day, so i
didn't make a new asc.. hope you
like this one then.. hehe..

      .-nr-> 10                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |         bloodlust  | | `-/     bLOODLUST        |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- »  cOMEs oNl!  « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

                      .------------- » bLOODLUSt « -----/-
----.                 |                                 |   .
    |__.     __.     _|__    ____    ____    __.     __.`---|____    __.
  __|  |____|  |________ )______ )______ )__|  |____|  |____| ___)__|  |__
 .\ |  |_ /_|  |  /_| |/  /_| |/  /_| |/  /_|  |  /_| _|  /_|___  /_|  __/__
 | _   l/  /   l   /  l    /  l    / _/    /   l   /  \'   /   /   /   l   /
    |                                                       |
    | wILl                  __  __       __  __             |
    `--/ bE cOMMIN' /------/ / / / /  / / / /_/-------//    |
                          /_/ / / /_ / / / /_         /-----'

this asc2 was pUKE ! :)  mute said... mEHEhe.. ?

      .-nr-> 11                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |         kgb        | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- »  sTARGATE !  « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

                          \\--- » sTARGATE « --------.
       .-->+xX^555^cALL!<--\                         |
     __|__.     ____.      _____.     _____.       .-|-------------/
   __\ ,__|_____\   |______\__._|_____\___ |__     | |            //--------.
  _\_______  )__    ____)__  _|/   )__  . ,___)__  | |    sYSOp             |
 |__      /    /_   l     /_ \__     /_ |       /_ `-|-'        kGB^lSD     |
.-/_mute________/__________/__l_______/_l________/---'                      |.
|.     |cOSYs.                 _____.     _____.     ____.      _____.      ·|
·|     |  .. .  .........    __\__  |_____\__._|_____\   |______\___ |__     |
-|-----' .  t..x.t     ...  _\   |_____)__  _|/   )__    ____)__  |_____)__  |
 |      ... ...      ...   |__   l_      /_ \__     /_   l     /_ l       /_ |

      .-nr-> 12                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |         warchild   | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- » sOUL fUSION. « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

          \\-----------· sOUL fUSION ·------------------.
 .---------\  _____.     _____.     ____.      ____.   -|---------------.
 |         ___\  __|_____\__. |_____\   |______\   |___ l               |
 |---.    _\________  )__  \|    )__   _|   )__    |   )__              |
 |   |   |__       /    /_  l      /_  \l     /_   l     /_             |
 |   |    /______________/__________/__________/__________/             | .
 |   |                                                                  | |
-|---'  _____.   ____.      _____.     _____.     _____.     _____.     · |
 |   ___\  __|___\   |______\  __|_____\____|_____\__. |_____\__. |__     |
 |  _\      ____)   _|   )________  )__        )__  \|    )__  \|    )__  |
 | |__         |    \l     /_    /    /_ mute    /_  l      /_  |      /_ |
 `------/-                                            -|-------------/    `-|
       //-------------.                    .-----------'            //------'

      .-nr-> 13                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        weird1      | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- » aCP eXPLORER « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

                     _____.         _____.         _____.
     _______ .    ___\__._|__    ___\_.  |__    ___\___ |__  . ________
    |\           _\    _|/   )___\    |_____)___\        __)          /|
    | \---------|__    \_      /__    l       /__         |----------/ |
    | |  aCp     /______l_______/_______________/_________|sYs       | |
    . | eXPLOREr                                              wEIRD1 | .
    __|__.   ____.    _____.  ____.    _____.   _____.   _____.   ___|_.
  __\___ |___\   |____\___ |__\   |____\__. |___\___ |___\___ |___\___ |__
 _\   |_____)__  |  _)_     __)   |   )_ \|    )_  .  __)_ |_____)_  .  __)_
|__   l      /_  .    /_     |    l    /_ l     /_ |     /_l      /_ |     /_
   .  |                                                        -/----|-.
   `--|--------------/                 fyll og bråk..      « -//     |
      ·             //------ » dill dall.. og masse trall..          `--/-

      .-nr-> 14                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        slapshot    | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- »   sHELTER    « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

                   \\-----------.  sHELTER  .-----------.
        /-----------\                                  -|-----/-
        |                                               l     |
     ___|_.    ____.     _____.    ____.     ____.    _____.  | _____.
   __\  __|____\   |_____\___ |____\   |_____\   |____\___ |__|_\___ |__
  _\_______  )__  ___  )__ |_____)__   |   )__   ___)__ |_____)__  .  __)__
 |__      /    /_  |/    /_l       /_  l     /_  l    /_l       /_ |      /_
        |                                                  //-|-
        |             \\-------.                 .--------/   `
        `--------------\       |-------------------'

      .-nr-> 15                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        slapshot    | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- »  sLAPSHOT    « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

      .---------------. sLAPsHOt .-----\          |
   ___|_    ____.    _____    _____  _____    ____|    _____    ____
  _\  __)___\   |____\____)___\___ )_\_ __)___\   |____\__. )___\   |___
  \______  /_   |   /_ _|/   /_     __/____  /_  ___  /_ \|    /_  ____/__
   |    /   /   l    / \__    /      |    /   /   |/   /  l     /   l    /
   |       /_       /_  |    /_mute  |       /_   |   /_       /_       /_
      |                                           |       .--|-----.
      |                  \\---------------.       `-------|--'   `---- -
      `-------------------\-           - -|---------------'

      .-nr-> 16                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        slapshot    | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- » sHELTER -dIZ « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

             ___     ___     ___
 .----- -  _|   |___|   |  _|   |__
 |       .-\   .___)_   |--\_   __/__
-|----,  |  .-----  /_  l   /_  l   /_
 |  `--muTe/_________/_______/_______/-.
 |                                     |
 |--. .--->                            |
 `--|--'                               |
    |                                  |
    `-------------/                    |

      .-nr-> 17                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |        slapshot    | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- » tHE jUNCTION « --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

                    \\-----------. tHe jUNCTION .-----------.
        .------------\                                    `---------\
      ._|__  ____.    _____.   _____.   _____.   _____.   _____.   _|___.
  ____|   /__\   |____\__. |___\_.  |___\    |___\____|___\__. |___\__. |__
 _\   |     )_  _|   )_ \|    )_ |_____)_   ____)_       )_ \|    )_ \|    )_
|__  (l      /_ \`    /_ |     /_l      /_   l   /_mute   /_ l     /_ |     /_
        |           .                                               |
       -|-----------|-                                         \----'
        l           `-------- Z                         z -----\\

      .-nr-> 18                                       |
      |           .-----------------------------------|-.
------|------------'         .------------. lOGO .--' `-|----/            .
      |mADE4..             .-|-\                        |   //------------|---
      |          splash    | | `-/                      |                 |
      `--------------------|-'  //-- » gOOD bYE sCR.« --|-----------------'
                           |                            |

       .----------------|         \\---- fLAME sTRIKE --------.
       |                `----------\                          |
   ____|__.   ___________.______    ________.    ____.___   __|   .______
 _(  __/_ |__(___._(_   _(____ (  _(  ___/  |_ _(    |_ /__(  |--.(____ (
 \_   __/ l \_ _ |\_ | |\__ |__/__\____,\_ __/-\   |-'|   \_  . -\_  |__/_
  |___||_____|_____|_l_l_|_______________|_____|___|  |___||__|__||________
       |                                                      |mute
   //--|   good bye   good bye ..      -----------------------|----.
.-/    |      our time together has passed..                  |    |
|      |                                                      |   -|-.
|   .  |    may our roads cross again..                       |    |_/
·   |  |                                                      |    |
    `--|-.                            tHe fLAME sTRIKE cREW   |----'
       | |                             lOOKS fORWARD tO       |
       `-|--/                       yOUR nEXT vISIT..         |    .
         | //-------------------------------------------------|--. |
         |                                                    `--|-'
         |     cALL oUR fRIENDS aT ...                           |
         |                                                       |
         |                                                       |
         |    sUb cONTINENt  godfather·i^g·oNYx   +47 578 24209  |
         |                                                       |
         |                                                       |
         |        lek med texten.. alt jeg har skrevet her er    |
         |    for det meste bare dill dal og drit.. gjerne gjør  |
         |  om.. men gjerne ta med sub'en i ringANDREbaser-tingen|
         `---------------------/                          //-----'
                              // sPLASH^mGS^····  iS oFF /

                                cHARLIE sAYS !

                            bOUNCHIN' iS tHE kEY !

                   bouch until your soul leaves your mind !

                    if i were you, then i would have done
                  something else than i would normally do..
                   because you isn't what you think i am..
                   if that makes you happy then i'll write
                    my saying that says that the option of
                  pure magma destorcion must be the reality
                       to hit the floor when dancing to

                                  oPEN uP !

                                                       by LEFTfield.!.

                sO tHAT iS wHAt i rEALLy hAVE iN mIND tODAY..


                                   i lOVE !

      ._____.     _______________    ______                    ______   .____.
 .____|     |     \    _    /   /   /  ___/__________ ______._/  ___/___|    |
 |    |     |_______   .___/  _/___/   Y     \  -    \     __/   Y      |    |
 |    .     \  -    \__¡   \____      _______|\_______\     |_______    .    |
 |____|-----'\_______\      cG/______/               |______|eD    |____|----'

                                               jUSt hAd tO sAy iT.. :)

------------.                                                         -|---.
            |                                                   .------'   |
           -|---------. mESSAGES tO tHE cUTE oNES ! .------------'         `-

            snuffy^babe - jADDA ! krympefesten va gØy ! hehe.. dette må
                          nok gjenta seg ja .. hehe.. vi må ta og linke
                          nfs en gang vi er i humør ja.. oi oi oi.. ble
                          litt dårlig i hode og mage. jeg skriver dette
                          nå på fredags kvelden..hodet er IKKE helt med
                          nå .. hehe.. samt magen begynner å bli bedre!
                          stilig !

             baffle^dlm - hEY ! du har lagt opp basen din for en stund..
                          hmm.. savner den ! buhu .. hvordan kunne du ?
                          hehe.. jah !

            vegard^babe - javel.. holder tradisjonen oppe enda.. hehe..
                          og som vanlig ser du ikke denne heller.. men
                          tenk om.. ja , tenk om.. da ville det ha vært
                          kjipt om jeg hadde skrevet noe perverst..? was ?
                          nai.. du gikk nok schjempHE gchlips af ckhrymphe
                          pfeschthen do jah .. et bit av din (u)mulige
                          er fortapt.. eller ? hva babler jeg egentlig om?

               bird^LSD - oKAy .. funny thing about that door of yours..
                          hehe.. seems like you'll never get finito ? or ?
                          it seems quite cool... hope we can cooperate in
                          future prods of yours. hehe..quake is fun huh ?
                          haha ! funnier that inet ! i agree.. ofcourse it's
                          not that cool when i'm loosing much, bUt !

baH i'M sOOOo bOREd.. i'Ll jUSt sTOp wITh tHOSe mESSyS anD dO sOMEtHiNg eLSe!

gREETS'aH nACh.. (gAH?) ..

                              .        . sPlash . fOlar. cyBergOd .
               . xclUsiwe . gODFATHER ! . siZe . snuffY . biRd . rAmonE .
            . mIsfit . pom^pel . & all #amielite 'n #ascii folks .

                                          got bored of that too... 
                                              ¡    fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- -
  .|  w  o  r  l  d    h e a d q u a t e r s  ||
  ||     bad karma - phantasy - up rough      !| _
  |!   divine stylers - dtr - ageema blues     | ;
  |      aeroholics - black maiden - mvp       |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7   g e r m a n  +  e u r o p e a n  h q's   |
  :    lightforce - oldskool - rising sun      |
  ¡   supplex - royal - soia - low profile     |
_ |    drunken - 1oo% - true school - asl      | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!"
; |                                            !
  |   amiga/ascii/graffiti/handheld consoles    ___.     ______.    drn\lp!
  |    n64/snes/gb/gba/ngp/wsc archive/ngc     \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |    apple macintosh/pc audio-gfx apps/dd    \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |     =c64/atari/speccy/sample soundbank     _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |                                            /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   daydreaming on 5 telnet nodes. 24h/day.      `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                            ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   y A R d _______,|
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\ ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\ !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'